General Consumer Issues

We understand that sometimes it is easier to learn by watching a video and that you may also want to get a feel for who we are and how we discuss legal matters.

We welcome you to view our videos below – you can simply click on the button that appeals to you and we hope that the videos you find will be very helpful to you.

How do I go through Alabama State or Federal courthouse security?

When you’re preparing for your day in court, you may wonder, “What is courthouse security like in a State or Federal courthouse?” For most people, it makes sense to have security. It’s just like going through airport security. However, you may not have been to an airport or courthouse before, or maybe you haven’t thought about it. Today we hope to help you prepare for going to a courthouse. Why they have courthouse security and what it means for you.… (Read more)

The Scorpion and the Frog– why do abusive companies break the law?

This is a little different from our usual posts, however, I believe this story will be beneficial to you as you deal with abusive companies. The Scorpion and the Frog This story has application to debt collectors, credit reporting agencies, car finance companies, mortgage companies, etc. Sometimes we sit and wonder, “Why do these companies do these dumb things where they’ll have to pay a lot of money after we sue them?” Read the story of the scorpion and the… (Read more)

Why do I need to bring you a timeline and give you info for our consultation?

“Why do I need to bring you a timeline and give you info for our consultation?” When we have a consultation we need certain information from you including a timeline of what happened when. Sometimes potential clients don’t want to get us documents — they say, “I have a specific question and I just want you to answer that one question.  I don’t need to share any other information with you.” We respectfully decline to consider letting these folks be… (Read more)

Lessons from breaking my foot and upcoming workshops and trainings

(This is our latest version of Consumer Power — our weekly email that goes out to thousands across Alabama and the nation — if you have not yet signed up feel free to do so with the button on the right hand side). I hope that this email finds you having a wonderful Sunday, orMonday if you’re reading this at the beginning of the work week. I’ll keep this email fairly short as I want to share with you a… (Read more)

The dirty secret of hiring a great lawyer

The dirty secret of hiring a great lawyer The dirty secret is it is very difficult knowing for certain that you have found a good lawyer to represent you in whatever legal matter you have. (At the end of this lengthy article I talk about how my family made the decision on hiring a lawyer as this might be helpful to you). I know this sounds like a crazy thing to say, since I’m a lawyer who clients hire to… (Read more)

Alabama Debt — Should I Hire A Debt Settlement Company To Help Me?

Alabama Debt — Should I Hire A Debt Settlement Company To Help Me? My experience has been that most Alabama consumers who hire a debt settlement company end up either scammed out of their money and/or sued by their creditors. So what is a “debt settlement company” anyway? In simple terms it is a company that promises to take your money and then negotiate with the debt collectors and original creditors to pay your debts. The idea is if you… (Read more)