Contact Us
Hello — this is John Watts and I want you to know that you are always welcome to call us at 205-879-2447. But if you prefer to send us an email contact, you can use the form below to reach us. Give us as much information as you can so we can best determine how to help you. (Sometimes forms don’t work so you can always email me — make sure and let me know if you live in Alabama thanks!)
Do keep in mind that we cannot help you if you already have a lawyer representing you.
Our goal is to help you better understand your rights so you can take the best action possible to protect you and your family.
If you are not from Alabama, here are a few things for you to consider.
First, you may want to talk to a lawyer in your state.
Second, we represent folks in lawsuits in Alabama. So if you are not from Alabama, we may can file your case in Alabama or get a lawyer in your state to get us admitted to the federal court in your state. There are advantages and disadvantages to doing either one of those and we can discuss with you. Finally, we may refer you to a lawyer in your state. Do keep in mind if you are sued by a debt collector you will definitely need a lawyer in your state as that will not occur in federal court.
For most of our clients, we do our meetings by phone or by Zoom as it is so much more convenient for our clients. No sense making you come to our office (which you are welcome to come to if you want) if we can handle this by phone or video conferencing. We normally will make sure we have all of your documents (emailed or faxed or mailed to us) so we can be prepared for our conference.
Please make a list of all questions that you have — we want you to leave the meeting with your questions answered. Whether or not you hire us or we agree to represent you is not critical — instead, we want you to clearly understand your options. The good and the bad of each option. And have answers to your questions.
Details about our address and a map are below.
Our physical (and mailing) address is:
301 19th Street North
Birmingham, Alabama 35203
We are in the “Kress” building it has been fully renovated and we have many conference rooms on the first floor so we can meet in comfort and privacy to discuss your questions.
The building sits on 19th Street between 3rd Avenue North and 4th Avenue North. It has the name “Wiggins, Childs” across the top as well as “Kress” on the building.
You can park on the street, in the parking deck you enter from 4th Avenue between 20th Street North and 19th Street North, or you can park in a parking lot on 19th Street North directly across from our building.
Most clients prefer to meet by phone or by video as it is most convenient but we can make any type of meeting work.
We invite you to contact us today for a free confidential consultation so you can discover your rights and legal options. Simply fill out the simple form below and that will get you to us.
John Watts and Stan Herring