
Learn more about your options regarding bankruptcy and some alternatives to bankruptcy. We also will discuss what happens after bankruptcy.

Why Are Collectors/Creditors Still Harassing Me After The Debts Were Discharged in Bankruptcy?

Why Are Collectors/Creditors Still Harassing Me After The Debts Were Discharged in Bankruptcy? You made the decision to file bankruptcy and then he received your discharge order which means you are no longer liable for the debts that were discharged in bankruptcy. This is your moment to get a fresh start. But…. Creditors and collection agencies are still harassing you about the discharge debts. Two questions come to mind. First, why am I still being harassed over these debts when… (Read more)

The dirty secret of hiring a great lawyer

The dirty secret of hiring a great lawyer The dirty secret is it is very difficult knowing for certain that you have found a good lawyer to represent you in whatever legal matter you have. (At the end of this lengthy article I talk about how my family made the decision on hiring a lawyer as this might be helpful to you). I know this sounds like a crazy thing to say, since I’m a lawyer who clients hire to… (Read more)

What Is Difference In Automatic Stay And Discharge Order?

What Is Difference In Automatic Stay And Discharge Order? When you file a bankruptcy, the judge will automatically enter what is known as the automatic stay order that will last until the case is over.  When your bankruptcy case is over, the normally you will receive a discharge order. So what do these orders do and what is the difference between them? The automatic stay order is to maintain the status quo. It is to make sure that none of… (Read more)

Alabama Bankruptcy — Can I Still Sue An Abusive Debt Collector If I File For Bankruptcy?

Yes — if you file for bankruptcy (normally a chapter 7), you should still be able to sue an abusive debt collector. Here’s how this works. If you file for chapter 7 bankruptcy, the bankruptcy trustee has the right to look at all of the assets in your bankruptcy case which includes any potential lawsuits. But normally the trustee will “waive” or otherwise agree not to pursue the case for you which means you can file the lawsuit against the… (Read more)

“How can filing a chapter seven bankruptcy ‘after’ a foreclosure help me?”

“How can filing a chapter seven bankruptcy ‘after’ a foreclosure help me?” If you have been foreclosed, then a bankruptcy (any type) will not undo the foreclosure. But a chapter seven (7) bankruptcy can minimize any further damage to you. It is not always the right option but it can be a very smart move to make in the right circumstances. Let’s take a look at this situation. “I’ve been foreclosed, what other bad things can happen with my house… (Read more)