Examples of Abusive Debt Collection Practices That Violate The FDCPA, FCRA, and TCPA

Examples of Abusive Debt Collection Practices That Violate The FDCPA, FCRA, and TCPA

Not all debt collectors are willing to break the law but many are willing to break the laws.

We wanted to list a number of examples of the types of abusive debt collection practices we commonly see committed against Alabama consumers.

FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) Violations

FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) Violations

  • Continuing to credit report against you after the debt collector loses the collection lawsuit (you must first dispute through the credit reporting agencies)
  • Verifying false credit reporting information after you have disputed the false information through the credit reporting agencies
  • If the collector sues you, loses the lawsuit, and you dispute through the credit reporting agencies and the collector continues to credit report

TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) Violations

  • Using robo dialed (auto dialed/predictive dialed) calls against your cell phone when you never gave permission to the collector or original creditor or you revoked any permission
  • Using pre-recorded messages or machine generated voice messages against your cell phone when you never gave permission to the collector or original creditor or you revoked any permission

So What Is The Solution To These Violations?

The ultimate solution to help yourself and help others is to sue the debt collector for violating the law.

If you live in Alabama feel free to give us a call for a free consultation on your rights.  It may be that you can sue or it may be you need to take some other action.

Regardless, we will be glad to help you understand your rights and options.

Give us a call us at 205-879-2447.

Or you can fill out our contact form on our website.  

We look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks for reading, and have a great day!

-John G. Watts

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