Testimonial from Nita who was sued by a debt buyer

Nita was sued by a debt collector and had to make some decisions about what to do.  She reached out to us and we were happy to represent her.  This is her review she recently left about her experience with our firm:

I received a notice i had been sued by a debt collector. I was so upset and had no idea what i was going to do. I found John through a search on google. I am so glad i did! He has returned every call and every text. I felt my situation was hopeless but after talking with John for just a few minutes i realized i did have hope. There was a light at the end of my tunnel. My case has now been settled and i am so relieved and will be forever grateful.

Two points.

First, thank you Nita for taking the time to leave us this feedback.

Second, notice what Nita said, “There was light at the end of my tunnel” as this is mission critical to understand.  These debt buyers such as Midland Funding or Portfolio Recovery want you to believe a lie — that there is no hope.  No help.  No option.

All a lie.

There is hope for you.

There is help and you do have options.

We often talk about your five options when sued by a debt collector because this is the starting place for you to know whether you want to file bankruptcy (very rarely appropriate), settle on your own (sometimes this is good), fight it on your own (can be a great option) or hire us to help you.

So take encouragement from Nita that you do have options.  Lots of people we talk to end up representing themselves and with the right preparation in the right case, this can be a wonderful option.  Others hire us.

Find out for yourself what is best for you.

If we can help you give us a call at 205-879-2447 or contact us here and we’ll get back with you right away.

Thanks for Nita leaving us a review and thank you for taking the time to read this and learn more about the best options for you.

John Watts