Dealing with the IRS over back taxes is no fun. To be blunt, it is very scary for consumers. One reason it is so scary is consumers don’t know the process and therefore are unsure what steps to take.
The purpose of this article is to give you a nice overview of the process when the IRS says you owe taxes. We have helped consumers all over deal with the IRS collection of back taxes. One thing that is consistently… (Read more)
We appreciate you reaching out to us — we’ll contact you in two ways.
First, you should get an automated email from us letting you know that we received your information. Please check your email, including a “Spam” or “Promotions” folder to make sure you received our email. We want to be able to communicate with you and sometimes emails get “hung” up in email filters….The email will normally be from me (John Watts) —
Second, we will either… (Read more)
An offer in compromise is where you ask the IRS to settle for less than 100% on the amount of back taxes (interest and penalties also) that you owe. Keep in mind that this is normally only when you do not have the ability to pay back the full amount.
We understand that owing any debt is stressful but owing debt to the IRS is incredibly scary. The IRS has massive power and resources available to find you and take your… (Read more)